Monday 9 May 2011


This is also a singing dancing movie but is not like the teenage movie "High School Musical Serious" but is more to adult is more sexy more to the core culture of LA life how those people true face. I do like all the song in this movie. BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE , EXPRESS , YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE LAST OF ME and ....


Story line :
Christina Aguilera is a young small-town waitress with an exceptionally strong voice. In order to escape her poverty, she quits her job and moves to LA. After a fruitless day of searching for jobs in her new home, she happens upon at a burlesque bar and becomes enthralled with the whole concept. Ali meets the friendly bartender Jack  and starts to waitress for him because she knows this is where she belongs. She tries to persuade the owner, Tess a.k.a CHER, to let her go on stage but Tess won't hear her out.See how Christina get her move on the stage and how she be a popular singer ^^




DIfferent from HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL but is another feeling~ ^^

Sunday 8 May 2011


哈哈哈哈哈~難得今天看了 《龍鳳店》笑到我流眼淚 XD


龙凤店 - 剧情


預告片 part 1

預告片 part 2


真是很久沒聽到任賢齊唱歌了~聽了蠻爽的 XD

一定要看 XD 笑到你爆 哈哈哈哈哈哈~~~~~~

Friday 6 May 2011

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Scoot Pilgrim VS the World, is a movie combination of comic and fighting movie, this can said is one of the creative movie that i ever see.You will see tons of things that only the original western comic.

Story line :
The film is about Scott Pilgrim , a young musician, meeting the girl of his dreams, Ramona Flowers. In order to win Ramona, Scott learns that he must defeat Ramona's "seven evil exes", who are coming to kill him.See how he defeat all the 7 ex~es and win the girl he loves ♥ XD


 The 7 EX~ES , they were EVIL ~ see how a normal good guy defeat them XD

Thursday 5 May 2011

The Expendables

This is one of the english action movies that I do like it a lot. Words can use to express this movie, too many action and it is so nice and you will not know what they will do.
So many pro  actor

In this movie you will see a lot of movie stars , Arnold Schwarzenegger , Jet Li , Sylester Stallone , Stone Cold Steve Austin and many more 

Story is about a group of professional that get pay to do some mission that near to impossible, you will see how a group of people deal with an army , how Stallone get in love with the girl , a lot of fighting screen that more enough to make you remember this movie.
their suit during mission ~

poster ^^


Wednesday 4 May 2011

Tron Legacy ( Lousy Movies )

lousy movie = =

I hate waste of money and time , mostly to stupid lousy movie = =

TRON is of of the "stupidest" movie that I ever watch = =

I do agree the trailer look attractive but it s**ks , lets look the reason it s**ks :

  • TRON this movie , the guy who name TRON only show his face for few minutes = =
  • The whole movie story line like shit , it goes like this : 
    • Kevin create a new world with few stupid , and one of the stupid betray him , he trap himself inside the world he create .
    • Sam ( his son ) go in the world that rule by one of the stupid and travel
    • Sam found Kevin , they try to go back
    • To safe  Sam , kevin distroy the world he create and the stupid = =
  • This movie is a waste of money because they make it 3D, only a few part that can said is value to watch with 3D , just the few minutes of racing = =

Tuesday 3 May 2011

愛情公寓 2 (連戲劇)

愛情公寓 2 是個很搞笑的中國連戲劇,雖然只有短短20集單一讓我幕幕難忘


細說在愛情公寓裡的生活點滴,包你看了笑到不停 ^^
住在愛情公寓裡的人,只要是一對的就可以水電全免 + 房租減半


就是他們了 ~ 

哈哈哈哈 預告片

其中一集 XD 

主題曲 ^^

對我來說怎麼看都好笑 ^^ 看了還想看 ^^ 讓我最難忘的中國很好笑的連戲劇 !!!!

Monday 2 May 2011

全城戒備 (爛片之一)

看電影不多不少會遇上超白目的爛片 = = 看了會很火大
說真的不是說什麼就是你開開心心的,去看電影誰知你看了套爛的 = =

全球華人變異人動作巨片 = =

看了 trailer 還以為是部很精彩的武打片,郭富城有超能力可以變刀出來攻擊,還是啥的 = = , 看了我想到有點像山寨版的 X-Men
= =

Sunny the 飛刀手 = =



這部片賣點在哪裡??? 郭富城玩飛刀? 飛刀大對決?和電影名稱有點不一樣 “全城戒備” 戒備什麼? 他們(城裡的人)還是這樣的走來走去 , 管他X事,得冷靜 = = 要不粗口都會爆出來!!

千萬別看這套爛片 = = 

Sunday 1 May 2011

How to train your dragon

This is among the few cartoon movie that I like the most. 

The whole story , you don't even have time to think what will happen next.

Hiccup and toothless ^^
Story about a useless Viking that call Hiccup, his village that always been attack by DRAGON, those dragon always stole their food, some of the dragon been catch and use to train the village's younger generation so that they know more about dragon, how to fight, how to protect their self when face which kind of dragon and the most important how to KILL a dragon.

You will see how they try with a useless Viking  ( Hiccup) there XD

During the last attack of the dragon Hiccup did hit down a strong dragon that they call the Night Fury ( the strongest , the fastest among all the dragon that Viking meet before) . Hiccup train with that dragon and he did learn some useful skill while the training, with a funny name hiccup give to this dragon call TOOTHLESS XD

cute toothless ^^
Finally , his father the head of the Viking village decide to go to the dragon island after the find out his son (Hiccup) catch the Night Fury, and they find out ......... ( go find out yourself la XD ) 
go toothless go ^^

poster ^^

poster in japanese  ^^

super nice cartoon must watch ^^